The work to build a school in Naku is well underway. A number of stakeholders attended the ground cutting ceremony. Pictured below are representatives from the District Education Office, and the Local Government Assembly. The Chief of the village and school representatives took an active part in the ceremony.

The local government representative praised all the organisations involved in supporting the development of local communities. The chief of Naku said that all the people of the village are very glad to see that generations of local children will benefit from this investment. The community leaders have promised to ensure that "no child is left roaming around the area or farming during school hours". They will take an active interest in the smooth running of the school.
The Anglican Church representative added his voice, emphasising that "we are all partners in development". The Circuit Supervisor (Local Education Inspector) assured the audience that the local officials are ready to help find personnel for the school.
The Chief of the village thanked everyone invovled for their generosity and pleaded with the Assembly to link another village, Kpasegra, with the school. The Naku school will now be the nearest school to Kpasegra.
The local government representative praised all the organisations involved in supporting the development of local communities. The chief of Naku said that all the people of the village are very glad to see that generations of local children will benefit from this investment. The community leaders have promised to ensure that "no child is left roaming around the area or farming during school hours". They will take an active interest in the smooth running of the school.
The Anglican Church representative added his voice, emphasising that "we are all partners in development". The Circuit Supervisor (Local Education Inspector) assured the audience that the local officials are ready to help find personnel for the school.
The Chief of the village thanked everyone invovled for their generosity and pleaded with the Assembly to link another village, Kpasegra, with the school. The Naku school will now be the nearest school to Kpasegra.
The work then got underway at a pace, as illustrated in the pictures below.

Toilets are a rare asset in rural schools. The school at Naku will have a toilet block, which is pictured under construction below.

The Headteacher's Office is also under construction.

The classrooms are taking shape:

The workers take a break:

Three of the key players in bringing this project to a successful conclusion are pictured below.

The villagers are so pleased with what is building before their eyes that they donated two goats to the leaders of the project. Justus intends to use his goat for breeding, so that he can raise more funds for development projects.